In Work Package 1 an understanding of the gas mixing and gas permeability behaviour in complex fracture networks such as those found in the karstified limestone of the Loenhout storage reservoir will be generated by UGent.
UGent will make an assessment of the chemical reactions between hydrogen, brine and minerals that take place in the storage reservoir and affect the purity of the hydrogen gas by creating by-products in Work Package 2.
In Work Package 3 of BE-HyStore the suitability of the Loenhout storage reservoir for hydrogen storage will be investigated through a pilot test by Fluxys.
UGent will probe the removal of H2S from gas after underground storage aiming at acquiring a fundamental understanding of the relevant chemical and transfer/adsorption phenomena in Work Package 4.
In Work Package 5, the combined work throughout the other technical work packages will be synthesized to perform an integrated assessment of the hurdles to hydrogen storage in the Loenhout site, ranking these in terms of risk and severity towards the site’s successful conversion and long-term operation. Furthermore, based on this assessment, a prognosis of feasibility and potential cost for shifting to hydrogen storage will be made by Fluxys.
The overall project management is performed by the project coordinator, i.e. UGent.